After more than 20 years experience in customer service/sales and 10+ years in visual
merchandising and digital design, I am proud to offer my experience to help your business grow!
Working for Community Focus has only broadened my skills to include social media marketing,
advertising, and web design. I am fortunate to be able to use my creativity to help represent our
clients and get them noticed. I absolutely love my job and look forward learning more!
I live with my husband of 19 years and 4 cats in Sussex County where we were both born and
raised. We are proud parents of a 24 year old son. My husband and I both really enjoy live
music and traveling and are blessed to be able to enjoy both often. When we aren’t out enjoying
and exploring the world, you can find me relaxing at home with a cat curled up on my lap and
maybe a coloring book or two 🙂
Thanks to Community Focus for an amazing work environment where everyone is family and we
are all set up to thrive!